The final release of Railo 2.0 is now available for download from the re-vamped Railo website.
If you've already tried Railo, you'll probably be wanting to head straight to the download page.
If you want to know more about what Railo is and why you might be interested,
read on...
In the near future I'll be getting myself a dedicated server, and decided to
find out if anyone would be interested if I was to setup Railo hosting on
it. So, I posted on the CF-Talk mailing list to see if anyone was
interested, and crikey, what a reaction I got! The discussion is
currently the longest in the past four dozen threads.
The first few replies basically boiled down to was "why would anyone want
Railo hosting?!?".
Tempting as it is to reply with "Railo PWNS U l4m3rz!", I've decided
that I'll instead explain why I choose Railo, over all the other CFML
engines available (CFMX, BlueDragon and Smith being the significant
However, to prevent me from rambling on for hours about how wonderful Railo
is -- and I really could talk about it all day -- I am simply going to pick
just five things that should help to show what attracts me to Railo.
Read on.
The latest version of Railo is now available as a public beta from the
Railo customer center,
and it brings with it an exciting new feature: Resources.
Resources are a brilliant feature that allows you to perform file actions on
virtual filesystems such as in memory, ZIP archives, and FTP sites.
Read on to find out more.