Sorcerer's Tower

Entries tagged "software"

Software, in terms of this blog, is articles involving released software (as opposed to projects in development or techiques for developing).

Found 27 entries tagged with "software", displaying entries 26..27.

View entries: 1..5 6..10 11..15 16..20 21..25 26..27

Railo 1.1 Beta

The latest version of Railo is now available as a public beta from the Railo customer center, and it brings with it an exciting new feature: Resources.

Resources are a brilliant feature that allows you to perform file actions on virtual filesystems such as in memory, ZIP archives, and FTP sites.

Read on to find out more.


Railo is the best CFML engine.

I guess you'll be wanting me to validate that statement? Well I'll make a start on that in a moment, but first I think I'll post a few disclaimers to pre-empt any potential whiney people.

I have nothing against Adobe, NewAtlanta, CFMX, nor BlueDragon. They're both great companies/products - without the company formally known as Allaire, I'd never have had my life enriched by the joy that is ColdFusion - and BlueDragon is no doubt a fine product if you find yourself stuck using that .NET thing. ;)

But Railo is better than both of them, and here is why...